On show until 06.07.24
Matt has always been interested in drawing and designing, acknowledging his grandfathers' influence - Sydney E being a quick draw artist and Harvey B being an architect (then going on to woodworking in his later years).10 years ago Matt felt drawn to make something out of waste wood, pallets and alike and his passion for woodwork quickly grew and through some tough parts of his life he found peace of mind focusing on his designs and seeing them through to the finished products.
After running his successful shop Idea Tree Living, near Wimbish, Matt has more recently wanted to slow down his woodwork and focus on functional art designs, using traditional hand held tools and he has started Matthew A Emerick Designs [M-A-E-D]. Without the demands of retail life he's looking forward to a more considered and slower approach to his work to really let the passion for his craft flow.
Matt's new exhibition HAND M-A-E-D debuts his 3 new collections - Classic - Carved - Conservation. All pieces are available to view online, but we highly recommend visiting to get the full experience of this multi-sensory exhibition. You'll be greeted by the warm and earthy aroma of wood, filling our gallery, then come and take a seat in Matt's beautiful and enveloping Stick Back chair, run your hands over his textural hand-carved plates and bowls and beware of the wild grizzly in our window!
Opening Hours are Tues 11-2 and Weds-Sat 10-4.